✺ The Woman Carrying the Prey | Packaging Design
Rngrang Hungul 余欣蘭導演為花蓮銅門太魯閣族人,以《揹著獵物的女人》紀錄母親Heydi在傳統太魯閣族嚴謹的男女分工社會結構下,跨越傳統禁忌與性別差異,成為一名女獵人。影片也從女獵人的視角傳遞太魯閣族人gaya的生活規範,維繫獵場的生態平衡,不任意濫捕獵殺動物。
為本片製作的 DVD 包裝,我們的設計理念突顯自然與母親的細膩聯繫。封面以電影開場畫面為核心,描繪森林中的微小人影與壯闊自然之間的對話。強調背負獵物的女獵人與野生動物的和諧共存,彰顯人與山的一體關係,如同母親般的山林懷抱。
Director Rngrang Hungul Yu Xinyan, a member of the Truku tribe from Tongmen, Hualien, presents “The Woman Carrying Prey,” a documentary that chronicles her mother, Heydi, as she transcends traditional gender roles and taboos within the strict division of labor in Truku society to become a female hunter. The film also conveys the Truku people’s life norms, called gaya, from the perspective of a female hunter, maintaining the ecological balance of the hunting grounds and avoiding indiscriminate hunting and killing of animals.
Director Rngrang Hungul Yu Xinyan, a member of the Truku tribe from Tongmen, Hualien, presents “The Woman Carrying Prey,” a documentary that chronicles her mother, Heydi, as she transcends traditional gender roles and taboos within the strict division of labor in Truku society to become a female hunter. The film also conveys the Truku people’s life norms, called gaya, from the perspective of a female hunter, maintaining the ecological balance of the hunting grounds and avoiding indiscriminate hunting and killing of animals.
The DVD packaging for this film is designed to highlight the intricate connection between nature and motherhood. The cover centers on the opening scene of the film, depicting a dialogue between tiny human figures and the vastness of nature. It emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of the female hunter with her prey and the wildlife, underscoring the unity between humans and the mountain, akin to the embrace of a motherly landscape.
Design by @baizhou.tw
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